My personal stories about surviving grief and loss

Everyone’s experience of grief and loss is different. My name is Marlene Manto. I am not a professional, and this is simply about my own experience of grief after losing my
husband suddenly, in an accident. I have chosen to share my thoughts and feelings here, because maybe it might help someone else. I hope so.


Navigating the early days…

About funerals, coffins, strange happenings, anger, despair, medication and thinking you’re going insane.


Questions I asked myself…

What about the ashes? What do I do with his ‘stuff’? Am I normal? Will this get easier? And… who am I now?


Discovering what helped me…

Learning to cope, anger, meditation, looking after myself and helping others to help me.


Facing my new future…

Finding some positives, big decisions (like moving house), dating (!) and managing life as a ‘solo’.

Some thoughts & opinions...

Some thoughts & opinions…

Navigating the bumps, learning self-care, is it all about losing control? And forget the 5 stages of grief!


Small steps to solo travel…

Learning to travel alone – baby steps, strategies, and travel stories. Essentially how to do scary stuff.