I remember the moment exactly. I was sitting up in bed enjoying a morning coffee and catching up on social media, when all of a sudden an advertisement leaped out at me! It was like it was written just for me as it ticked every box… Travel! Walking! Gorgeous scenery! Plus….create a travel journal! Using watercolour! I was so excited! I made myself wait until I at least finished the coffee but then I booked the trip. Just like that. Except…..things didn’t work out quite the way I imagined.

It was my Type A personality. My husband Norbert had nagged me for years and years that I should ‘do something about my love of watercolour’ but I never did because every time I tried to paint it didn’t turn out like the ‘masterpiece’ that was in my head…and I would tear it up. My husband Norbert used to tell me (constantly!!) I was my own toughest critic. 🙂