Archive lookingaftersomebodywhoisgrieving | After the Heartbreak
Learning Self-Care is so worth it

Learning Self-Care is so worth it

This is an important topic, and I was thinking about it recently during a somewhat expensive (but blissful) 20 minute shoulder massage at Dubai airport before boarding my flight back home to Australia. In a life now in the past, I would instead have been sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair at the Gate, maybe with a polystyrene cup of coffee to keep me awake. So what’s changed? Have I won a lottery?

5 Ways to Support Someone Who is Grieving

5 Ways to Support Someone Who is Grieving

Me by the poo

I wasn’t always grieving. In fact I used to be a person who tried to support others. Looking back I think I did this very badly though. In fact, I am appalled at the incredibly inappropriate things I said to these poor people, and the expectations I had of them. Yes…expectations! I actually expected them to come halfway so that I could feel OK too! Sheesh! 😫