The first thing I did when I decided to write this post, was to throw ‘How to start travelling solo‘ into Google. Back came 42 million hits and right at the top was one that had a list. Everyone loves lists so I took a look:
Wow…if I had read this list before my first trip alone I would never have gone!!! It would have scared the living daylights out of me! 😅 Of course one has to be safe but…sheesh….what a guaranteed way to turn somebody off travelling alone.
Anyway, I have travelled by myself so that must mean I’m a fearless kinda person who thinks nothing of booking a ticket to the other side of the world and then winging it? Right? [almost falls over while laughing hysterically].
Right, so I’m not that person. I’m an absolute scaredy-cat who suffers anxiety, has no sense of direction, is terrified of public transport and really shouldn’t go far without a responsible adult to accompany me. So how did I get to be travelling alone? Read on…